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Stock Forecaster

powered by MSN Money

Free online stock trading tool.
Input a stock - see its future!

  • use it online or save it to your desktop

5-star rating!

To use it :

1. after you click on the START button below ===> enter stock Name or Symbol (active and listed U.S. stocks only please) and click on Go ===> click on "read company report" (top left)

2. all the data you need for the form below is on that "read company report" page (use only that page)

3. cut & paste or enter the appropriate info from that page into the appropriate spaces on the form below


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 MSN Money


name of stock


last price

institutional ownership



Go to Earnings Estimates:

enter 1st
FY EPS estimate

enter 2nd
FY EPS estimate

enter the two EPS numbers above:
1st number on left, 2nd number on right


projected 1yr gain

After you fill out the form above, for a fast and free evaluation and forecast of this stock continue to next section below.

evaluation & forecast section

Match up your numbers and
get your score below

Stock Price

Stock Score
over $50
under $5

Stock price - too high or too low?
If the current price of a stock is "high", i.e., $75 per share or more, in order to buy a basic round lot of 100 shares it costs you more money than a lesser priced stock and puts more of your capital at risk. For instance, if you buy 100 shares of a stock selling at $100 you will have to invest $10,000 (100x$100). In contrast, if you buy 100 shares of a stock selling at $20 you will only have to invest $2,000 (100x$20).

And if the current price of a stock is "low" (i.e. under $10) that often reflects a newer company that may not yet have proven itself and/or may not be demonstrating true sustainable near term growth and/or may be too cheap for mutual funds to buy. Though you could get more bang for your buck with a "cheap" stock there may often be a lot more risk. There are usually very good reasons why a stock is cheap (and will remain cheap).

And, very importantly, whatever the current price is, has there been price movement. Has the price of the stock been going up ... going down ... or remained stagnant? Whatever the direction is, there are usually good reasons for that trend. Individual investors who go against a trend do so at their own peril.

Institutional Holdings

% Stock Held Stock Score
over 80%
under 50%

Mutual funds dominate the market
With trillions of dollars in the stock market, mutual funds and other institutional investors can acquire a large amount of shares of a stock over a relatively short time frame and, as a result, that can make the stock go up. The stocks that go way up usually do so because mutual funds and other institutional investors buy them ... buy large amounts of shares ... and keep on buying more.

Trading Volume

Trading Volume Stock Score
1M+ shares
700,000-1 mil
under 300,000

High volume vs low volume
Do you see a high volume of shares traded daily and has the stock price gone up, up, up? Good daily trading volume can be a critical factor in a profitable stock investment. If there is a low volume of trades on a daily basis that can signify that the market movers - the mutual funds - are not buying more of that stock and if the mutual funds do not buy more of a stock then that stock is less likely to dramatically rise in price.

Projected Earnings Growth
(projected 1-year % gain)

Stock Forecast
over 50%
under 5%
or a minus

Higher earnings, higher stock prices
It's common knowledge among professionals that earnings are a critical and fundamental factor which determines whether the price of a stock goes down, remains flat, or goes up. That being said, why in the world would any investor choose to buy a stock that is likely to go down, or likely to barely beat inflation, or likely to only go up 10%-20% ... if they could invest in high quality stocks that are likely to go up as much as 50% or more in the next 12 months???

You have now completed the free stock evaluation and forecast.

How well did your stock do?

Did your stock get 4 or 5 stars in every category? If so, congratulations and thank you for using the Stock Forecaster.

Did your stock get less than 4 stars in any category? If so, we hope you have better luck with the next stock you pick.

evaluate another stock

the Stock Forecaster is sponsored by the Korber Strategy, a simple successful stock investment strategy for annualized returns of up to 50% or more. For free information about the Korber Strategy go to akorber.com

The copyrighted intellectual property, Stock Forecaster, is derived (with permission) from the published Korber Strategy and uses only 4 of the strategy's key parameters, is for informational purposes only and offers or renders no financial, investment or other licensable service or guarantees of any kind, shall not be construed as advice or recommendation. Users and/or other parties shall attach no legal or financial liability to this property, its creators and/or publishers.

copyright 2006. May not be reproduced for commercial purposes without express permission.
url: Evaluate-A-Stock.com

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- Donald Trump